The Art of Florian Bertmer
Mittwoch, 17. September 2014
After what feels like an are some new t-shirts and more!
Hello everone, First of all apologies for my absence and for almost no new content posted lately. I am horrible at social networking but t...
Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2014
3 new shirts from Shirts & Destroy!
Hey everyone, Here are three new shirts that will be released today from Shirts & Destroy! The Hand of Glory, the Unknown Soldi...
2 Kommentare:
Samstag, 11. Januar 2014
Laser Engraved Cards!
Hey everyone, ever wanted a special card to send someone special? Well, you're in luck because me and my old friend VonSchmidt ju...
Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2013
"Order of the Seven Serpents" print
Hey everyone, for everyone who didn't get lucky getting one of my Lord of the Rings print yesterday I will be releasing another print ...
5 Kommentare:
Lord of the Rings print - "Witch King and the Fell Beast"
Hey everyone, I know it's been a while since I have posted new stuff! Yesterday a new print of mine got finally released that I did a...
1 Kommentar:
Donnerstag, 22. August 2013
New deck design from Creature Skateboards!
Hey everyone, hope all is well.I know I promised to post more frequently and I am still trying to. I know I know....... I just got a no...
1 Kommentar:
Montag, 5. August 2013
New print "The Native" available Tuesday August 6th!
Hey everyone, I know it has been a little quiet around here lately but I had a lot going on and most importantly I got married to my beau...
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